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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Islamic Studies with concentration in Hadith Science

The International Islamic University of Minnesota proudly presents the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Islamic Studies with a concentration in Hadith Sciences, specifically designed for individuals passionate about advancing their knowledge in Hadith scholarship. This distinguished program offers an in-depth focus on advanced Hadith studies, aiming to develop comprehensive expertise in various aspects of Hadith Sciences.
Learning Outcomes:

Graduates of this program will:

  • Gain a profound understanding of advanced principles in Hadith Sciences.

  • Acquire specialized knowledge in the methodology of Hadith evaluation, the study of Hadith defects, and Hadith manners and schools.

  • Develop advanced research and analytical skills.

  • Enhance their ability to critically engage with complex theological, legal, historical, and cultural discourses in Hadith Sciences.

Program Features

Study Format

Online/live sessions or
Self-Paced Study

Tuition and Fee

Per Credit: $113

Total Cost: $6,930

Full-Time  Completion Time

3 Quarters per Year: 3 years

4 Quarters per Year: 2.5 year

Instruction Medium

English or Arabic

Study Time Options

Full Time: Minimum 2 courses per quarter

Part Time: Minimum 1 courses per quarter

Degree Completion Requirements

Total: 60 quarter credits

Core Courses: 20 credits

Electives: 15 credits

Research Methodology course: 5 credits

Ph.D. Dissertation: 20 credits

Curriculum Details

    1. ISEC700 Advanced Studies in the Fundamentals of Aqeedah - 5 Credits

    2. ISEC701 Study in the Foundations of Hadeeth - 5 Credits

    3. ISEC702 Advanced Studies in Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) - 5 Credits

    4. ISEC703 Methodologies of Qur'anic Exegesis - 5 Credits

    1. ISEH700 Al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil (Declaring Unreliable and Improvement) - 5 Credits

    2. ISEH701 Study in Ilal Al-Hadeeth - 5 Credits

    3. ISEH702 Hadeeth Manners and Hadeeth Schools - 5 Credits

    1. ISEC704 Research Methodology - 5 Credits

    1. ISEC705 Ph.D. Dissertation - 20 Credits

Admission Requirements

  1. Copy of Valid Passport or ID: Please provide a clear image of your valid passport or photo ID to verify your identity.

  2. Most Recent College or University Diploma and Transcripts: Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree. Official transcripts must be submitted.

  3. For Track 1 (Master's Degree Holders): Applicants must have completed a master's degree. Official transcripts must be submitted.

  4. For Track 2 (Bachelor's Degree Holders): Applicants must have completed a bachelor's degree. Official transcripts must be submitted.

  5. Personal Statement: A personal statement is required. This should outline your interest in the program, your career goals, and why you believe you would be a good fit for the program.

  6. Letters of Recommendation: A letter of recommendation is required. These should come from individuals who can speak to your qualifications for the program, such as teachers or employers.

  7. Application Form: Applicants must submit a fully completed application form through the university's online application system. It is essential that all sections of the form are thoroughly and accurately completed to ensure your application is properly considered.

  8. Application Fee: The application fee for a Ph.D. program is $100.

  9. Additional Requirements for Applicants without an Academic Background in Islamic Studies: If your undergraduate or graduate degree does not include an academic background in Islamic Studies, you are required to fulfill the admission requirements for the graduate program by completing four undergraduate-level courses. These courses should cover foundational topics in Islamic Studies. You can complete these courses at your own pace, or if you already have sufficient knowledge of Islamic Studies, you can take exams for these courses.

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